Transform your meetings from time-wasters to game-changes

Facilitation Skills Training Course

Tired of rambling boardroom discussions?
Did your last Zoom call run too long for your liking?

BS Expert storytellers

Learn from experts

BS Right way

Know you're doing it right

BS Powerful Stories

Immediately applicable

Poorly facilitated meetings result in

issues such as:


Conversations leading nowhere


Hours of meetings wasted


Conflict and rising tension


Louder voices drowning out others


Stakeholders misunderstood


Poor quality decisions

Venture Fundraising

Convince Investors

Turn skeptical investors into converts that open their chequebooks.

“Insert Quote and Testimonials here.”
client logo 11
get buy in image 3 compressed

Internal Pitches

Win Internal Buy-In

Get ideas accepted and decisions made without endless back-and-forth

“Insert Quote and Testimonials here.”
client logo 11
get buy in image 3 compressed

Venture Fundraising

Convince Investors

Turn skeptical investors into converts that open their chequebooks.

“Insert Quote and Testimonials here.”
client logo 11
get buy in image 3 compressed

Internal Pitches

Win Internal Buy-In

Get ideas accepted and decisions made without endless back-and-forth

“Insert Quote and Testimonials here.”
client logo 11
get buy in image 3 compressed

No more unproductive meetings

Millions of hours are wasted each year on meetings that end up nowhere. Precious time and energy that could be re-directed into more productive outcomes. This course helps prepare executives with a framework of managing meeting agendas and getting the best out of everyone’s time and contribution.

Asset 23
Focused discussions

Make every meeting purposeful and impactful. Gain a mental checklist for effective meetings and how to facilitate them

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Gain deeper insights

Help involve everyone to contribute and ensure that the best ideas are not hidden in conversation or verbosity

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Navigate conflict

Learn to diffuse tension, build rapport quickly and manage emotions between stakeholders attending meetings

Steer the dialogue to stay the course

Take the wheel so your next meeting gets where it needs to
Better meetings, decisive outcomes

Learn to structure agendas for effectiveness and retention. No excessive discussion banter and clear outcomes defined by the end of the meeting.

Ask solutions-focused questions

Ask incisive questions that get people thinking and harvest the top insights from each expert or individual. 

Avoid clashes, get aligned

Meetings can get sticky when stakeholders disagree. Learn to accept conflicting views as a norm towards getting the best result and make sure everyone feels heard.

Turn your team into expert facilitators.
Make meetings great again.

Who is this course for?

This course can benefit management of all levels. Team leads, and executives from various functions can directly benefit from facilitation abilities in their meetings held each week. Aspiring leaders seeking to take charge of people and ideas regardless of profession are also well suited.

How do learners benefit?

Learners take away repeatable methodologies for outlining and maintaining the flow of a meeting, as well as deepening insights gained from the discussion. Learners also pick up strategies to engage stakeholders and glean new ideas from them, while also confronting expected – and unexpected – objections.

Learning Outcomes

  • Direct the flow of discussion for efficiency and effectiveness
  • Craft meaningful questions to draw out overlooked observations
  • Spur stakeholders to speak their minds
  • Handle contrary opinions to agree on solutions
  • Get stakeholders back on track when derailed
  • Organise key takeaways to solidify accomplishment

Who can benefit from facilitation skills training?

Facilitation skills are highly underrated but incredibly useful in various situations. Client meetings, internal boardroom discussions and even general group huddles can be made much more effective and impactful.

What will I learn in a facilitation skills course?

You’ll learn a unique way of asking questions, setting objectives and toeing the line between a guide and a leader in a meeting to ensure every participant gets their ideas out and feels respected. All this while we actually see progress from meetings.

What formats are available?

The workshop is available in a variety of formats from 2-hours, half-day, 1-day and 2-day. Depending on the size of the cohort and depth of learning and application required, we’ll recommend accordingly.

What make-up of the teams are recommended?

We often recommend this course to organisations with staff that are within the same team. This ensures contextually, the material taught can be applied in circumstances they all experience each day.

What if I need specific help with my issues?

Our programs are partially customised to meet client needs. However, if you find challenges that require focused help, we highly recommend considering working with our instructors for one-to-one coaching.